According to some reports, we are exposed to 3,000+ marketing messages a day. That is an insane amount of ideas that we have to parse, process, or simply ignore. As you can imagine, most of those messages fall into that last category.
We remember the things vital to our survival. Other messages that are relevant to us may get absorbed. Messages beyond that have a greater likelihood of slipping away.
Repeated exposure to a message can help with retention. This is a phenomenon studied by Hermann Ebbinghaus over 100 years ago and which led to the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve. It also explains why an often-cited statistic is that we need to expose people 7x to an idea (or our brand) before they remember us.
But even repeated exposure is not enough. The message needs to be meaningful and refined to the simplest form.
What it means for your prospects
In the old days, you could pummel people with a message to drive retention of an idea. Today, we are faced with an ever-increasing deluge of information. From the book Big Audacious Meaning — Unleashing Your Purpose Driven Story, “One estimate suggests that the average person today is exposed to an amount of information each day that is equal to what a person in…