When to use urgency and scarcity in your marketing

Dan Salva
3 min readJun 11, 2021

I have written in the past about the power of fear in marketing. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is a potent motivator. As such, it’s often abused by marketers.

There is a time and place to help prospects understand that an offer is ending. Or that a limited supply is depleting. But it can’t be the first and only way you engage with prospects.

As I mentioned, there are a lot of marketers who do that. Does it work? Sometimes initially. But at what price? It can cause a lot of anxiety and distraction for potential customers…



Dan Salva

Dan is an expert brand strategist and author of the book Big Audacious Meaning — Unleashing Your Purpose-Driven Story. He is a founder at Will & Grail.