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What brands overlook when it comes to purpose
Some brands adopt a purpose that addresses a global issue. We’ve heard the grandiose promises attached to the world-changing ambitions. Sometimes they can be hard to believe.
It may seem noble to address something like global warming. Or hunger. Or any mega-issue. But many brands find it hard to make a believable connection between who they are and these large issues.
Does that exclude them from embracing a purpose? Absolutely not.
What is purpose?
Purpose is the driving force that gives a brand its identity. Its reason for existence. And its passion. It is also the North Star guiding the company’s decisions and actions.
You’ll notice that nowhere in the description does it say that a brand’s purpose has to be world-changing. Some of the most powerful brand purposes are those that simply look to impact the life of a single human.
Why and how brands can embrace a purpose
Brands have the unique capacity to forge intimate connections with their customers. By understanding their needs, desires, and struggles, brands can begin to understand the difference they can make in the life of a customer.