Member-only story
The rules for your brand are changing — gauge how ready you are
It’s amazing how brands of all persuasions have responded during the pandemic. A mattress maker dedicates a portion of its production department to creating face masks to help address the need. A financial services company reworks its loan repayment terms to give suddenly-out-of-work customers a hiatus from making their monthly loan payment.
As we watch this unfold, we can’t help but feel that this will leave an indelible mark on brands. Brands from all segments are already examing what the purpose-driven pioneer brands have been building over the last decade. They are seeing the evidence of how a brand can serve the greater good and in return be rewarded by customers who want these brands to be successful.
Now industry organizations are beginning to predict that this will help reshape what we all will expect from brands. A new normal. A purpose-driven era for brands.
When we find ourselves on the other side of this pandemic, we will need to ask what lasting effect all this will have on our brands. The demand for face masks may diminish. As well as the need to accommodate the extraordinary circumstances. But those we hope to serve will be forever changed by these historic times. Our prospects’ expectations will morph, causing them to increasingly gravitate to those brands that have…