I have bemoaned the state of brand concepts, pointing to the massive amount of bland, uninteresting executions that fill our screens today.
It feels like such a departure from past days when more brands made the extra effort to be evocative, interesting, and thought-provoking. Today, it feels like the majority is satisfied with pushing something out that’s ‘good enough’. The new standard is ‘average at best’.
I find this disappointing. I want more brands to recognize the value of our attention. We’re all trying to handle the ever-increasing cognitive load that today’s information overload has created. If brands want our attention (little alone our preference), they must start demonstrating that they recognize and respect what a precious commodity our attention is.
Okay, let me climb down from my soapbox and we’ll look at how we can remedy this with a (more-powerful-than-we-give-it-credit-for) tool. Our words.
Laying the foundation
It’s easy to believe that we can’t create those really kick-ass brand concepts because we can’t design or have the mastery of a graphics program.
Here’s a secret. Great brand messages start with your words.
When I help clients, we begin by creating a brand platform. This lays the foundation…