There is a lot of turmoil around us. People fear that something will be taken away from them. Maybe it’s their guns. Or their right to protest. Or their right to decide to wear a mask or not.
It leads to a lot of fear. And it’s making people angry. And that can too easily turn to hate.
The opposite of love
One of the greatest epiphanies of my life was when someone helped me understand the opposite of love. Most think it’s hate. But it’s not. It’s fear.
Fear causes us to do ugly things. We’ve seen a lot of it lately. Among it all, I heard something quite moving. An exhortation of sorts. It goes like this: “Let’s make sure none of us has to live in fear.”
I was moved by this twist on the idea of ‘love thy neighbor’.
Is there a role for brands in all this?
I write about purpose and brands. I’m not so naïve to believe that brands can solve this problem. But I do think they can play a role. Many have started to explore their purpose in order to understand the larger impact the brand can have.
Unfortunately, too many try to jump on the bandwagon, throwing their support behind a…